
I think it's time to quit

Uploaded: 1 April 2024, 11:31

so uh. yeah. I don't think that anyone really "follows" me here on nekoweb, so no one's probably noticed, but I haven't made any updates for quite some time now. considering the date, I think it may be time to "throw in the towel" (i think that's something people say), and part ways. My schedule, being so busy, doesn't leave much time to be doing this coding stuff, and I'm honestly not very good at it. This site will of course be left up, but don't expect much more to come, as I doubt that I'll ever have much motivation to come back again.

I don't believe I've given it before, so I'll say it here, as this is going to be the last update. if you want to contact me, I'm evieistired on discord (i was planning on getting an actual more professional email, but i just never did lol). but if you want to contact me for something, or even if you just want to chat, please do message me! (I'm kinda lonely...)

so yeah, considering the date, fair well. maybe we'll meet again in the future, but this is the end of this chapter.

NOTE: as it's no longer april fools day, i should probably point out that this is an april fools prank.