
hey there nekoweb!

Uploaded: 1 march 2024, 11:34

Hey there! I've been meaning to make this for a few days now (since nekoweb launched and my site was created) but I haven't because I needed to make all the pages before this. It's all mostly done now though! I hope it's not too bad! I went for a different style than I typically have. My idea for this was kind of a computer with various files that you can look through (which is actually exactly what this is irl)? hence the navigation system that takes the form of a file directory at the top of the screen. I'll probably make that more clear by added some sort of graphic at the enter page that has you click on a computer or something. I just don't know where to get a graphic like that or how to make it myself (which I'll probably end of up doing). knowing myself, that won't happen for quite a long time though, but I do think that the current iteration is fairly serviceable, so it should be mostly fine.

anyway! I'm super excited for this site! I have honestly been kind of putting off working on my neocities site just because I have this one to work on instead. This site and my neocities ones are probably going to be fairly similar, though I think that this one will be more unproffesional (if you can call the neocities one professional in the slightest), so I really don't know. I do like how my "ramblings" (I'm thinking about changing that in the future, but I don't know yet) gives me a lot more creativity on what to do than I gave myself on my other site. I can easily just stick book reviews, random thoughts, short stories, poetry, or really whatever I like in here and it'll work just fine. So really, I don't know what'll be here, but i'm sure it'll be fun (at least for me)!

I've been really liking the nekoweb community as well! very queer, just like I like it. oh, right, I meant to put a little introduction to myself here as well... whoops...

so yeah, I'm Evie. I'm a trans girl living in america. I like to play videogames, read, write, learn languages, watch youtube, and browse the web! I have a lot of interests outside of this as well (I kinda hop between them) but these are the main ones that are more or less stable. Right now, I've been playing Valorant, Helldivers 2, Minecraft, and Factorio and I'm reading The Fountains of Silence as well (for school, but it does seem to be a really good book) right now. And I love languages! I'm currently learning spanish, german, and japanese. I didn't try and learn 3 langauges at once intentionally, it kinda just happened, and it's not the best. I could be waaay farther along in any one of them if I didn't get distracted and switch between them and stuff (I made a blog post on my neocities about this btw). so yeah. idk. that's me. if you want to see more, follow the site? You won't be able to see when I update it, but at least you have easy access back?

that's all for now! See you next time that I decide to put something here lol. have a great day :)