

Uploaded: 3 April 2024, 11:32

sorry for the title, but yeah! I recently bought celeste, and have been playing it quite a bit since. I haven't really played very many platformers, but a lot of my friends have played and recommend celeste, so I decided to give it a shot! and wow!

by the way, keep in mind that i have not finished the game yet. I'm currently working through the stage with all the wind (i can't remember what's it's called...), and I'm not sure how far that is from the end of the game.

I'm not very good at the game, but struggling on a level, realizing a possible solution, and finally pulling it of is such a good feeling. I find that, for me, a lot of the difficulty tends to be from being able to press the right buttons, rather than the timing. that may just be a result of me not havving played very many platformers, but using arrow keys to move, c to jump, x to dash, and lastly v or z to grab/climb, wasn't super easy to get the hang of for me. I'd go to an edge, mean to jump and accidentally press x instead and dash, causing my to miss where I was trying to grab. or I might jump to a wall, intend to grab, and accidentally jump off of it. it's kind of interesting to me how in a game that I assumed would mostly rely on timing actually is mostly about input control and just being about to push the right inputs in the correct order.

oh! and the artstyle! I love how the game looks, and how fluid it all feels. It's just a really satisfying visual experience with great gameplay to back it up.

It's about two weeks later, and i never really finished this page. To be honest, i haven't really play much more celeste. I really need to, but minecraft, of course, decided to distract me from basically any other interest. I seriously have such a problem with minecraft, it just sucks my life away lol. at least I get to spend the time I'm playing minecraft with my friends :)

but yeah, I'll leave this page up for now, but I might edit it, add to it, or just create an entirely new page for when i eventually continue playing Celeste. (if you're curious, do check out the game, it's so good)